1.-The characteristics of this illness is: you start with feeling sad and you think that all is bad and nothing you mind you can start thinking different your behaviour is very difficult to contain because these going thought a bad moment in your life you start with the suicidal thinking and this is when you think in the death and can you die for this think because you can kill some friends or yourself so this need a good and delicate therapy.
2.-Serotonin has a lot of function in the human body, but the main idea of the serotonin is to send message to specific parts from the brain. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that plays an intricate role in the way a person eats, sleeps and behaves. When the level of serotonin in the brain is changed, a persons behaviour will also be altered. At times, the events in our lives will take a toll on serotonin levels, so when a person becomes sad, the body will start to use more serotonin to promote happy feelings.
3.-Most of the persons that have depression feel sad, lonely, or depressed at times. And feeling depressed is a normal reaction to loss, life's struggles, or an injured self-esteem. But when these feelings become overwhelming and last for long periods of time, they can keep you from leading a normal, active life. That's when it's time to see a doctor for ask him help to control this situation to be a normal person again.
4.-The first step of a treatment in the depression is an medic exam, there is a physic exam, a interview with the patient, a lab analysis and maybe a physiology analysis. The psychiatrist can resets drugs depending in the symptom of the patient.
There are many antidepressant medications, this includes the inhibitors of SSRI: In this type of medication are the CITALOPRAM, ESCITALOPRAM, FLOUXETIN, PAROXETIN AND SERTRALIN. In this type of drugs you will have for two weeks problems to sleep, anxiety, fatigue etc... The most of the people feelbetter in 6 weeks after the treatment.
Also there are alternative medicine for the depression like some flowers, fruits or chocolate.
The Pros of of a therapy of depression are: Better Sleep, a better love life, better memory, in conclusion a better lifestyle .
The Cons of this are a very variety of secondary effects like nausea, insomnia, dizziness, fatigue or migraine.
They are different types of doctors like psychologists or therapists but the objets of the doctor is to help so don't worry but be intelligent selecting the type of medicine.
6.-The patient can take different medicine like syrups or take pills and can do psychological treatments
or therapies with psychologists other way is talking with people that is with depression too,if the problem is very difficult to treat the medic recommend pills very stronger and the way that the person think that is good is the drug or simply the death but this is a terminal case the doctor have a lot of theories to stop this depression.
8.Chile is one of the countries with more depression in the world, the chilean health its a mixture of private-public system, the public system provides the 70% of the population.
Not as USA that the health system is for all the same so there are more facilities to the people.
But in both countries are the medications appropriates to recovery.
Both countries have their specific programs of health and professional medicine with their specific programs, remedies, psychotherapies and brain stimulation therapies.(only 6 lines)
9.One testimonies of the clients is the testimonie of Paulo Garcia he said: "this is one f the best clinic of traditional medicine because have a very good attention the have one of the best tecnologies that have chile and they have a cost very economic and wit a very good issures to your safety life and have a certified doctors to a best attention and is a safety and clean clinic .I think that is a good clinic to you and to your family.
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