jueves, 31 de julio de 2014

Before Writing...

1.- The important parts of the book.
2.- Is formal and the publication is in the platform of "Blogger",the publication is seriously and with a                
formal letter.
3.- Superior in the novel and expert about the novel.
4.- The people who like read books and novels.
5.- Intelligent and opinionated and a kind of critically.
6.- I will use 9/10 stars because is a interesting and very good book.
7.- I will start with a question or talking about generally idea.A good lead in is talking about characters.
8.- The key point is talk about all the book and start with an introduction, a good idea of the book and conclusion.
9.- I need talk about the religious think of Amir and Hassan,maybe about Taliban's or Pashtun.

martes, 29 de julio de 2014

Review TKR 9/10 Stars

The Kite Runner:9/10 stars.
By Camilo Moris on july 28,2014.

The kite runner, a book written by Khaled Hosseini is a book about two friends (Hassan and Amir) that come from different life style Hassan is a hazara that is very hated by pashtun and hassan is adopted for Baba the father of Amir, Amir is a pashtun and he had all the amennites compared with Hassan.The context of this book is in Afghanistan 1975 when start the taliban invasion and the country have economic and political problems.

In my opinion this book is interesting because when you read the book you want to know what's next and you feel that the friendship between Hassan and Amir is unbreakable because they  pass a lot of situatuion toghether for example when we wins the tournament of kite flying or when Hassan was rape by Aseef that situation make a feel of superation and fortress in this friendship.

The audience of this book is for adolescents and adults because the comprehension of the book is difficult , they use a formal language and finally the person who talk the story , is the narrator and in some part the character of the book.

In conclussion the kite runner is a good choice ifnyou want a book about friendship and superation, other thing is the type of the audience because this book is not for child, is for adult bcause the comprehension of the book is complicated and finally the objective of the book is try to demostrate the dificult life style in afghanistan and try to change the point of view in the people ,so that is doesn't hapend again .
262 words.

miércoles, 9 de abril de 2014

Piece Of News

Lack of brains hiders research.

A group of doctors pretend to find a new brain for the reaech about forms to control the human brain the problem is the brain used from an old person and docors are trying to find a teen braind Oxford University, said:"If we don´t find a younger brain fot the research this investigation will be ruined".

On the other hand, 30 per cent of the students of Oxford University are arranged to give theirs brains when they die.The director of the Oxford University said:"the university is prepare to transfer the brain and keep it in a good condition. People say that giving their brains to science is difficult because they find it not suitale to extract their brains when dead.

This investigation about forms to control a human brain consists of creative helmet that helps people to make things difficult to do.Can´t do by them selve.but with this helmet,yes.

Finaly , doctors are trying to create an artificial brain to temporally continue workin with the research , but
it´s a serious danger for the research and the consequence is losing the research.

martes, 26 de noviembre de 2013

Letter of aplication

460 santa barbara,lomas de motemar
Felipe del arco
Viña del mar
26 november 2013
The director of mtv

Dear director,

I am writing this letter because my brother spends a lot of time watching your program "south park"
And the problem is that it had inadequate content for the children I think that this don't help parents to take care her children because when are violent don't obey her parents causing problems to the family and they are a lot of this cases.

The problem is that my brother lost a lot of time watching the program it caused that my brother started repeating all that the program says and this,transforming my brother in to a bad guy and start doing things like fight,says bad words and with a bad atittude.

The solution is simple,you have to start to include more adequate content in the shows or cancel the program because it causes children to be more violent,I think that this two solutions are very adequate for this problem of violent children.

In conclusion please do it or find another way to entertain children because make violent children and this is not adequate in any aspect,so please help children doing programs more adequate for the health  of this little people

I look formed to learn your solution.

Your faithfully.

Camilo moris

Camilo moris

lunes, 25 de noviembre de 2013

Interactive oral activity

My caption:"the only way to control what you children watch is to be with them when they are in front of the tv.otherwise,they can watching appropiate shows with inadequate content".

I learn that parent's have to supervise children when they are playing or watching with a computer or tv,because is important to see what they doing.

the san diego district attorney's office is working with law enforcement,educators and others to develop a program that teach parents and community leaders how to protect children on the internet.


here is a tip to the pàrents to help them:get the tv out of the bedroom,don't have the tv on in the background and agree tv time.


In my opinion is good that parents takecare your children supervicing themwhen are in front of the tv because they are some programs that make children more violent and agressive in her lifes.

1.-in other countries they are programs that help parents to how take care her children.

2.-parents start taking conscience howtotake care her sons.

3.-children start watching more tv than other years.

martes, 29 de octubre de 2013

Opinion piece about tattoos

Tattoos are a type of art for some people and a bad thing for others,but the thing is it doesn't it affect to find a job?.I think that it depends on the job,if is a formal job obviously,but it is an informal job it doesn't affect.

About the social , I think that the people like to have tattoos and this makes them well,but there are some people that he don't like tattoos and in some cases the people are discriminated an other aspect is the social class,usually people of a lower class have more tattoos than a higher class.

In religion there are people that have tattoos for their gods and virgins because it is adecuate for these believers in religion an other asoect is that this is not usual,so In my opinion that is not a problem for the people.

In art of fashion the people do this for art because they love art,but the people don't do tattoos for fashion because they have a sense to do something fashion for life and only for fashion.

In ethnicity the tattoos are an escencial case because some people do the tattoos for those purpose and others don't do this.The people do this tattoos because is a symbol that represents he roots in their lifes.

In conclussion I think that tattoos are something symbolic for some people and for other it is religion or art of fashion,they think is that tattoos are not bad,they are only a way to do somethig different.