Lack of brains hiders research.
A group of doctors pretend to find a new brain for the reaech about forms to control the human brain the problem is the brain used from an old person and docors are trying to find a teen braind Oxford University, said:"If we don´t find a younger brain fot the research this investigation will be ruined".
On the other hand, 30 per cent of the students of Oxford University are arranged to give theirs brains when they die.The director of the Oxford University said:"the university is prepare to transfer the brain and keep it in a good condition. People say that giving their brains to science is difficult because they find it not suitale to extract their brains when dead.
This investigation about forms to control a human brain consists of creative helmet that helps people to make things difficult to do.Can´t do by them selve.but with this helmet,yes.
Finaly , doctors are trying to create an artificial brain to temporally continue workin with the research , but
it´s a serious danger for the research and the consequence is losing the research.